About Collaborative Changes Counseling
Counseling that helps everyday people through life’s challenges
Everyone Needs A Little Help Sometimes!
So, you’re having difficulty moving forward with your life the way you want. Perhaps you’re here after experiencing a significant loss – the passing of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, losing your job, or dead dreams – and you’re having trouble getting back to ‘normal.’
Feeling stuck frustrates you. You are worried that you’ll never really heal. You’ve considered counseling, but that bothers you, too. You think, “Normal people get over stuff like this on their own. Right? If I see a therapist, doesn’t that mean something is wrong with me, or I’m crazy?”
Well, everyone can seem ‘normal’ until you get to know them. And ‘No,’ coming to counseling does not mean you feel broken, have something tragically wrong with you, or any of that. It means you’re a regular person like the rest of us.
We Are Here To Help In Anyway We Can
Look at counseling from a different perspective. When you want to become physically fit, you might hire a personal trainer. Therefore, seeing a counselor for emotional and relational fitness makes sense. A counselor is like a personal trainer for your feelings and relationships.
Collaborative Changes is a place where you can say out loud what you’ve been thinking and feeling without being judged, critiqued, or blamed. In this place, you can let down your guard and untangle the jumbled-up thoughts that keep you restless. And once we do that, we help you live life differently because of one your goals is probably to be different and live the life that you’ve always wanted.
Change IS Possible!
It’s time to experience deep emotional
healing and gain the tools needed to live a better life.
It’s time to feel heard, understood, and validated.
It’s time for change.
Our Commitment
We get it – sometimes, you just feel bad, and life isn’t going how you want.
No one should face the struggle alone, and you don’t have to either.
We have worked with hundreds of clients through some of the same issues you are experiencing.
We have walked with people through their darkest valleys and have shared in the joy when they’ve come to see some light break through the clouds.
It would be a privilege to walk with you on your journey.
Contact us to get started
Serving Florida and Texas
(281) 628-4194

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