Addiction Counseling
Receive Comprehensive & Supportive Addiction
Counseling At Collaborative Changes Counseling

Meet Tom
Escaping from the pain in life is challenging.
Often, at the root of addictive behavior is a fear of facing painful parts of life, aka reality.
Sometimes life throws us a curveball that puts us in a tailspin.
While seeking ways to escape from what life dealt you can lead to unhealthy solutions during those times, those solutions can lead to behaviors with real, negative consequences.
Abusive patterns, unhealthy use, or escaping behaviors start for many reasons.
Everyone has a unique story*
Tom’s problem began as a teenager. He was around alcoholics and domestic violence, and got high to have fun with friends and escape the traumatic environment at home. It seemed manageable back then. But as an adult, the frequent binges and anger outbursts have led to broken relationships and many feelings of shame and guilt.
For Nikki, drinking was a way to decompress from the high-stress levels from working in a hospital during COVID. The past few years have been the worst in her life, and she felt ill-equipped to face everything. She feels like she’s barely hanging on.
Trey had another story. He always played video games as a kid. Later as an adult, the responsibilities of having a family were overwhelming. He hated his job and felt his wife’s response was to nag at him. His only sense of enjoyment came from gaming during all his free time. At first, gaming wasn’t a problem, but Trey eventually lost his job after all-night binges and missing work too often. His wife was unhappy, and their marriage was heading to divorce court fast.
Tom, Nikki, and Trey had different struggles and needed a way out from what they were feeling.
*Names in this section are fictional compositions of many clients.
Finding a way out is possible.
YES, change is possible! And we offer you a way out so that you can recover from addictive behaviors.
We’re not here to judge or impose a particular view on you.
Not all drinking or use of substances is a problem. An essential part of coming to therapy is to face this on your terms and understand what is happening with whatever may be an issue, such as a substance or behavior like ‘shop therapy’ or sex.
Regardless of how the unhealthy behavior developed or where you’re at in acknowledging its role, there is a way to make healthy, positive changes to your life, and a counselor can help you do that.
Exploring and facing the underlying issues through therapy can provide much-needed relief and support on your change and recovery journey. An additional route, often accompanied by talk therapy, is attending a recovery group of some kind such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous). The purpose behind these alternatives is the same – to offer people a supportive path to recovery that changes their lives at its core.
But programs are not for everyone, nor do they help everyone.
There is no one size fits all approach for recovery.
Seeking the right solution is where the benefit of collaborative counseling comes into play.
We can work together to discover the best strategy for YOU and get you the results you want.
Don’t let painful issues in your life lead you down the wrong path – one leading to addictive behavior. Together, we can plot a different path, allowing relief from what has a hold on you.
Contact us today, so we can work to help you find a new, positive beginning.
Change IS Possible!
It’s time to experience deep emotional
healing and gain the tools needed to live a better life.
It’s time to feel heard, understood, and validated.
It’s time for change.
Our Commitment
We get it – sometimes, you just feel bad, and life isn’t going how you want.
No one should face the struggle alone, and you don’t have to either.
We have worked with hundreds of clients through some of the same issues you are experiencing.
We have walked with people through their darkest valleys and have shared in the joy when they’ve come to see some light break through the clouds.
It would be a privilege to walk with you on your journey.
Contact us to get started
Serving Florida and Texas
(281) 628-4194

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